Documentary Watch Party: The Pollinators

Join us in the auditorium to watch this month's documentary! This month, we will be watching "The Pollinators." 

THE POLLINATORS is a cinematic journey around the United States following migratory beekeepers and their truckloads of honey bees as they pollinate the flowers that become the fruits, nuts and vegetables we all eat. The many challenges the beekeepers and their bees face en route reveal flaws to our simplified chemically dependent agriculture system. We talk to farmers, scientists, chefs and academics along the way to give a broad perspective about the threats to honey bees, what it means to our food security and how we can improve it. This documentary has a run time of 1 hour and 32 minutes, and can also be streamed from home using Kanopy.

Please note:

  • Registration is required for this event
Audience: Emerging Adult
Type: Film & TV
Pollinator documentary thumbnail, highlighting the many awards this film has one over a photograph of a beekeeper.
Tuesday, 1/14/2025
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


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